Quickly find freely available drug and population models in our PBPK model repository.
The models provided have been collated from published examples which authors have shared in our Published Model Collection or developed as part of various global health projects in our Global Health Collection. This search facility searches both model collections simultaneously.
To contribute published user compound and/or population files, upload your files here: Upload Model Files
Brand Name(s) include: Zithromax
Disease: Malaria
Drug Class: Marcolide Antibiotic
Date Updated: March 2021
Absorption Model |
Volume of Distribution |
Note: A Kp scalar (0.04) was used in the model |
Route of Elimination |
Perpetrator DDI |
Validation |
Limitations |
Updates in V19 |
Simcyp developed Aprepitant compound file. Compound summary included. This was developed as a research file and its current status and limitations are outlined in summary document.
African Malaria Population V17
Brand Name(s) include: Malarone
Disease: Malaria
Drug Class: Antimalarials
Date Updated: March 2021
Absorption Model |
Volume of Distribution |
Note: A Kp scalar (0.04) was used in the model |
Route of Elimination |
Perpetrator DDI |
Validation |
Limitations |
Updates in V19 |
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