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The models provided have been collated from published examples which authors have shared in our Published Model Collection or developed as part of various global health projects in our Global Health Collection. This search facility searches both model collections simultaneously.
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The Ceftazidime file is set as IV infusion of 1g over 3 minutes (0.05 h), thus the user is advised to ensure that after oral dosing an fa of 1 (CV=0%), ka of 2 h-1 (CV=30%) and a lag time of 1.5 h (30%) is used as stated in the Supplement Material Table S1 of the publication (PMID: 38675135). The Ceftazidime file has been evaluated in a Pregnant Population.
Supplemental table. Ki against OAT transporters can be changed (sensitivity analysis was conducted in the referenced publication to explore "in vivo" Ki).
The RES-Chlorzoxazone file was primarily developed as an inhibitor of CYP3A4. This document provides: 1. Examples of model performance 2. A summary of the key pharmacokinetic features of Chlorzoxazone considered within the model.
The 4β-hydroxycholesterol (4β-OHC) file is an endogenous biomarker for CYP3A activity mainly measured to evaluated potential CYP3A induction in vivo. The 4β-OHC file was developed as a primary metabolite of the parent compound, cholesterol. As the compound requires specific system parameter inputs for endogenous CYP abundance scaling, the parent-metabolite file is available within a workspace containing the required system parameters. The parent-metabolite file has been developed in the Simcyp Simulator V23 and details of the file performance are described in Karkhanis et al., 2024 (PMID 39458613) and in a compound summary that provides the key pharmacokinetic features of cholesterol and 4β-OHC considered within the model.
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